Our story started in 1930, when a twenty years old guy, Salvatore Recupero began to work in a distillery as a skilled worker. The factory was situated in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (Messina - Italy), producing mainly Petitgrain Bigarade, Petitgrain Mandarinier, Petitgrain Citronnier and Neroli, all in small quantities.
After few years of hard work Mr. Salvatore Recupero together with his sons decided to give life to a new factory.
In 1960 they bought new machineries and they tried to improve the quantities by maintaining the greatest quality in purity and freshness but also with a certain environmental conservation.
Today our company called “Essenze Floreali Agrumi” is one of the few factory that still survived to several economical crisis in this field.
Thanks to the hard work of the all family, we continue to produce great quantities of our maily products by introducing also flowers concrete such as (broom).
The father could hand down to his sons Antonino and Carmelo, who are still leaders of the company, a job that is unique in his gender, that will be continued by the new generations of the family.
In every time the hauling strength of our job has been the satisfaction of the clients, with products of high quality and always ready for the shipment all over the world.
Essenze Floreali Recupero - Copyright © 2010